The Prairie View City Chamber of Commerce was the outgrowth of the passion of 16 notable city residents that wanted an official organization through which to market and promote the city and represent its citizens. It was duly recognized as a corporation by the State of Texas on August 3, 1970 (Charter #277003)
Since its formation, the Prairie View City Chamber of Commerce has revised its board structure to reflect the changes taking place in the city. The board is comprised of six officers that emanate from different socio-economic areas of the city. On February 28, 2019, the chamber made a historical mark by electing its first female president, in the persona of Ms. Andrea Bell Miller (pictured first from the left); she and the other officers will serve a 3 year term.
The mission of the Prairie View Chamber of Commerce is to improve the quality of life for its residents and enhance economic growth of the City of Prairie View by focusing on education, promotion and development of the business community and those areas of the community affecting business.
Our primary goals are to strengthen our local economy, promote the community, provide networking opportunities, represent the interest of business with government, and develop community leaders.

Pictured above, left to right: PRESIDENT--Andrea Bell Miller; ​TREASURER--Eula Richard; SECRETARY--John R. Sadberry; CORRESPONDING SECRETARY--Erma Simon Sadberry
The Prairie View Chamber of Commerce will be the advocate for all businesses, promoting economic prosperity and growth for the community. The Chamber will facilitate the development of the City of Prairie View into a nationally competitive, economically diverse city.
The Chamber will lead our community toward sustainable economic growth, advocate a pro-business climate for our members, and execute our mission while adhering to a core set of values.